Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hope of all the Ends of the Earth

This week, we didn’t have a short-term team, so we interns had the chance to experience more of Honduras. We relaxed on the beach, took a bus through the gorgeous mountains, explored Mayan ruins, and gazed at the stars. Seeing these different sights put into perspective Psalm 65: 5-8,
You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas, who formed the mountains by your power, having armed yourself with strength, who stilled the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the turmoil of the nations. The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.”
This week provided much needed rest and the chance to re-focus on the Creator and Savior who formed this land and people, bringing us here to share more about who He is and what He has done.

The coming weeks will be extremely full. We’ll have two teams here this week (one in Armenia and another in La Fe). Having so many people means more mouths to feed, creative transportation arrangements, and higher probability of something going wrong. BUT it also means more arms to hug the children, more mouths to spread the Gospel and more love to be shown. Missions is not about numbers or projects but about God’s glory. “Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion…You who answer prayer, to you all people will come.” (Psalm 65: 1-2) God displays Himself in the world all around us, and we have the joy of reflecting Him in our lives as well—what an honor!!

Prayer Requests:

·         Praise for a time of rest

·         Please pray that the coming teams will have servant’s hearts and student’s minds

·         Pray for continued energy and fresh perspective. Pray that we will not become worn down, jaded and ungrateful as we’ve been working here for a while.

·         Pray that the Hondurans will see more and more of Christ in the world around them, in us, and in themselves


  1. Hey Becka! I just read through your blog and it sounds like your summer's been busy for sure, but fruitful too! It's exciting to hear about what God is doing in Honduras, which I'd otherwise be ignorant of. I won't promise to pray for you this summer, but I just prayed that God would keep building on these works He's been doing in you and in those you're working with so that you'd see Him as beautiful and His kingdom of peace would come. Keep running the race!
    Jeremy Taylor
